Our Services

Horoscope Matching

Horoscope Matching (Gun Milan) for prospective Bride and Groom. Gun Milan is based on the position of moon in the natal charts of the Bride and Groom. Horoscope Matching or Compatibility analysis of Bride and Groom can help us understand how stars will influence their marital life and help us understand their compatibility threshold. It also gives us insights on their future marital happiness and progeny bliss.


Year Ahead

Year Ahead (Varshphal) or the analysis of your life for the next 12 months starting from your birth date is important and significant for planning your next one year. Prediction of Annual forecast in astrology is known as Varshphal which helps us forecast expected happenings during the year. Numerology insights give us more insights on the personal year ahead perspective.


Vedic Birth Chart

Vedic Birth Chart Analysis help us understand individual horoscope of a Personality with a full analysis of your appearance, education, career, money matters, love life, health, spouse, children, travel, family life and relationships. Birth Chart (Natal chart) uses the date, time and location of your birth to re-create a map of the sky at that moment. It is the diagram that shows 12 zodiac signs with planetary position in them at the precise date and time of your birth.


Love & Relationship Analysis

Astrology helps us analyze how an individual react and interact with each other. Based on the birth chart, placement of moon in the natal chart, and the sun sign astrology can help us choose the right partner. Compatibility relationship analysis help us identify restrained and toxic relationships and remedies to resolve them to come out of it and have a positive outlook in your life. Numerology insights help us to get a deeper understanding of the compatibility analysis based on the personality, destiny and name numbers in the numerology chart.


Career Analysis

Career is a big question on everyone’s mind. If you pick right career path, then things become easier, and success shall follow. If, however, your career path is not right for you will face lot of challenges and obstacles. With Astrology and numerology guidance and analysis, we can help understand what stars support your career growth in the right direction. It will also give your insight into your own aptitude and help you select best career path that suits you. Based on your destiny/life path number numerology can help you pick the career path that is aligned with your numbers which ultimately gives you success.


Business Analysis

Business Astrology is an invaluable tool that helps us predict future situations and makes you prepared for challenges much ahead that may occur. It also helps you recognize opportunities that may come in the way of your life and you will be able to plan better for any risks. It helps to select right business sector and guide us how to be successful or face challenges. It also helps us to determine right kind of business partnerships relationships. Numerology helps in determining lucky place, lucky numbers, lucky colors, partnership compatibility analysis based on personality and destiny numbers to determine health of business success.


Baby Horoscope Analysis

Baby horoscope analysis or Child astrology report is a natal chart interpretation that will give you a glimpse into their nature, talent and life path of your child or a baby. This forecast is predicted based on their zodiac sign and alignment of sun, moon and planets on their birthdate and time. It also sheds some light on their baby personality and understand their behavior patterns.


Auspicious Time Analysis

Auspicious Timing (Chogadiya & Muhurat Analysis) is the analysis of stars alignment to start anything new or auspicious – on a particular day, date and time. What is the best time to start a journey, sign a business deal, buy a new house, job switch, when to trade etc.? It can be done on a day-to-day analysis basis. If the auspicious time is considered before starting any new venture it shall bring good luck, success and happiness. It is also considered blessing in disguise as it can avoid any unforeseen mishaps or circumstances.


Numerology chart analysis

Numbers play a very important role  throughout our lives- from birth to death. Your birthdate possess the ability to offer profound insights into various aspects on our existence, such as personality, life path, chosen career, marriage timing, overall success, health& happiness. Lot of successful personalities and celebrities in different fields and industries have embraced numerology for years -all over the world. Numerology chart enables us to determine if there are any misalignment between your numbers, name numerology, compatibility and how it can be rectified with name correction/ name recommendation etc for persona or business success per se or vehicle number, vehicle color recommendation etc.

What is the importance of
Horoscope Analysis?
Horoscope Analysis is a complete
reflection of your past life, purpose of your present life and also indicate next life...!!!
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